Love VS Arrange Marriage

Love VS Arrange Marriage:

 Everyone feels curious to know about Love Marriage Vs Arranged Marriage.

Both of them have pros & cons. Both can be very good and can be very bad.

some people love marriage over Arrange marriage and vice versa. No one is wrong in any way. If the marriage is successful between 2 people.

In Love Marriage, You come to know the person beforehand about his likes & dislikes.

You come to know the good qualities & bad qualities and behavior of the person.

In Love Marriage, families are not involved as it is usually the girl or boy to marry a person of his choice.

A lot many times family don’t support it and prefer to not get involved with their child’s decision.

If the person is in love with the person and vice versa.

People like to marry among friends & relatives who are supportive of their decision.

It’s important in love marriage to take each other parents into consideration.

People need to convince them to accept their better half and support them.

This can take the time or can get rejected depending on the different factors.

people who are in love focus on marrying the love of their life.

There are many factors to consider in love marriage. They are as follows:-

Religion, height, language, color, veg or non-veg, Education, etc.

Love marriage is successful if the family is supportive and accepts the girl/boy in their family.

As compared to Arrange marriage, you are aware of the person in love marriage. You can make a wise decision about whether to get married or not to the person.

In an Arranged marriage, you don’t know anything about the person and only come to know more after ur engagement.

In an Arranged marriage, both side families involved. so the guy/girl can take the right decision for his life by considering all family member’s decisions.

The possibility of finding the wrong person is less. Any decision to take depends on many factors.

Families getting involved are always wanting good for their child. So till the time family members are not convinced.

They will not go-ahead for accepting the girl or boy to get married and become a part of their family.

In an arranged marriage, the family celebrates by inviting their relatives, family & everyone know.

In arrange marriages there is a lot of give & take from each other’s family. This usually is not found in love marriages.

Guy/girl plans everything in advance for their honeymoon. Which place to visit and what kind of clothes to make for all occasions.

so people looking to get married have both the options to go with. It’s that the factors have to look for before going ahead with any of them.

I would prefer an arranged marriage. Even though I don’t know the girl/boy before. But I am aware of the girl/boy family.

My family knows about their family. so if anything goes wrong. I have my family back behind me.

So it’s ur life and make the best decision in the interest of our family.




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